====== 本リスト ====== ===== Essay ===== * The new hacker's dictionary ===== Algorithm ===== * Algorithm Design * How to solve it * Introduction to algorithms * Functional_data_structure * Computers and intractability * Numerical recipes * Open Data Structures(in C++) * Parallel and concurrent * SICP * Operating Systems Design and Implementation ===== OS ===== * [[article:operation_system_concepts|Operating System Concepts]] [完] * BSD Hacks * Computer Organization and Design * Introduction to the theory of computation * The linux programming interface * Category theory for programmers * Compilers principles * Operating Systems * Modern Operation Systems ===== Language ===== * Pierce Types and Programming * Classic Shell Scripting * Refactoring impproving the design * Programming languages principles ===== Lisp ===== * Lands of Lisp * On lisp ===== Python ===== * Effective_Python * Fluent Python * Introducing data science machine learning python * Black Hat Python * Functional Programming Python * Python Cookbook * Think Python * Head First Python * Automate the boring stuff with Python * Effective Compotation in Physics * Python Essential Reference * Python for Data Analysis * Invent with Python * Python web frameworks * Test Driven Development with Python * A Whirlwind tour of python * 20 Python Libraries You aren't Using(But Should) * Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto * Python in Education * How to Made Mistakes in Python * Hadoop with Python * Python Cookbook * Python on Learn * Fundamentals of Programming Python * Python Game Programming By Example * Making Games with Python ===== Ruby ===== * Head First Ruby * Beginning Ruby * The Well-Grounded Rubyist * The Ruby Programming Language * Programming Ruby * Object Oriented Design * Eloquent Ruby * Developing Games With Ruby[完] * Ruby Pocket Reference * Learn Ruby The Hard Way * Ruby Under a Microscope * THE RAILS'S WAY * Ruby Cookbook * Ruby Best Practices * [[http://i.loveruby.net/ja/rhg/book/|Rubyソースコード完全解説]] * [[http://www.aoky.net/articles/why_poignant_guide_to_ruby/index.html|ホワイの(感動的)Rubyガイド]][完] ===== Programming(general) ===== * Programming Pearl * The C Programming * Coders At Work * [[article:founder_at_work|Founders At Work]] * [[article:headfirst_designpattern]] ===== Tools ===== * Database Management * Mastering data warehouse design * IPv6-book * Seven-databases in seven weeks * Seven languages in seven weeks * Machine Learning for hacker ===== Developing technique ===== * Extreme programming explained * Don't make me think * The Pragmatic programmer[完] * Test Driven Development * The Clean Coder * Clean Code * Peopleware * Continuous Delivery - Reliable Software Release * The Soul of a New Machine * xUnit Test Patterns Refactoring Test Code * Working Effectively * Test Driven Development ===== Design ===== * The Design of everyday thing * Universal principles of design * Domain Modeling Made Functional * Domain Driven Design * Designing Data Intensive Applications * [[https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/contents.html|Game Programming Pattern]] [[article:dev_game_pattern]][完] ===== Server ===== ===== Docker ===== * Monitoring Docker * Docker Cookbook * Docker in Action * Docker in Practice * Learning Docker * Docker Up and Running * Docker Deep Dive * The Docker Book ===== Math History ===== * A Concise History of Mathematics * An Imaginary Tale The Story of i the Square Root of Minus one * The Equation that couldn't be solved * Journey through genius * Mathematics and Its History * God Created The Integers * A history of Mathematics from Mesopotamia ===== Other ===== * 1984 * The Selfish Gene
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