{{tag>software}} ====== Emacs-w3m ====== ===== キーバインド ===== モードヘルプからのコピペ。あとで日本語にする。 能動的に使わないと全然使えるようにならないな。 ''RET''\\ Display the page pointed to by the link under point.You may use the prefix arg ‘2’ or ‘C-u C-u’ to make a new session. ''''\\ Follow the link under the mouse pointer. If w3m-use-form is t, ‘RET’ and ‘’ enable you to enter forms. You may use the prefix arg ‘2’ or ‘C-u C-u’ to make a new session. ''''\\ Display the page of the link in a new session.If the region is active, visit all the links within the region. ''''\\ Display the page of the link in a new session by mouse. ''C-c C-c''\\ Submit the form at point. ''R''\\ Reload the current page. ''C-t R''\\ Reload all the pages. ''r''\\ Redisplay the current page. ''C t''\\ Redisplay the page, specifying a content type. ''C c''\\ Redisplay the current page, specifying a charset. ''C C''\\ Redisplay the current page and reset the user-specified charset and content type. ''TAB''\\ Move the point to the next anchor. ''C-M-i''\\ Move the point to the previous anchor. '']''\\ Move the point to the next form. ''[''\\ Move the point to the previous form. ''}''\\ Move the point to the next image. ''{''\\ Move the point to the previous image. ''B''\\ Move back to the previous page in the history. ''N''\\ Move forward to the next page in the history. ''^''\\ Attempt to move to the parent directory of the page. ''U''\\ Visit the web page. ''G''\\ Visit the web page in a new session. ''C-c C-e''\\ Open page of which url is specified by ‘w3m-new-session-url’ in a new session. ''H''\\ Go to the Home page. ''M''\\ Open a link using ‘browse-url’. ''C-c M-l''\\ Delete tabs on the left side of the current tab. ''C-c M-r''\\ Delete tabs on the right side of the current tab. ''C-c C-<''\\ Move this tab N (default 1) times to the left. ''C-c C->''\\ Move this tab N (default 1) times to the right. ''M-d''\\ Download the URL. ''d''\\ Download the URL under point. ''I''\\ Display the image under point in the external viewer. ''M-i''\\ Save the image under point to a file. ''t''\\ Toggle the visibility of an image under point. ''T''\\ Toggle the visibility of all images. ''M-T''\\ Turn off to display all images. ''M-[''\\ Zoom in an image on the point. ''M-]''\\ Zoom out an image on the point. ''u''\\ Display the url under point and put it into ‘kill-ring’. ''c''\\ Display the url of the current page and put it into ‘kill-ring’. ''\''\\ Display the html source of the current page. ''=''\\ Display the header of the current page. ''E''\\ Edit the local file displayed as the current page. ''pfe''\\ Edit the local file which is pointed to by URL under point. ''M-k''\\ Display cookies and enable you to manage them. ''SPC''\\ Scroll up the current window, or go to the next page. ''b''\\ Scroll down the current window, or go to the previous page. ''J''\\ Scroll the current window up one line (or lines of which the number you specify by the prefix argument). ''>''\\ Scroll to the left. ''<''\\ Scroll to the right. ''.''\\ Shift to the left. '',''\\ Shift to the right. ''M-l''\\ Recenter horizontally. ''C-a''\\ Go to the entire beginning of line, may be accompanied by scrolling. ''C-e''\\ Go to the entire end of line, may be accompanied by scrolling. ''j''\\ Next line. ''k''\\ Previous line. ''l''\\ Forward char. ''h''\\ Backward char. ''M-g g''\\ Go to the line, specifying the line number (beginning with 1). ''C-c C-@''\\ Mark the current position. ''C-c C-v''\\ Go to the last marked position. ''C-c M-h''\\ Display the history of pages you have visited in the session. If it is called with the prefix arg, it displays the arrived URLs. ''A''\\ Display the report of changes in web pages. If it is called with the prefix arg, it updates the report. ''+''\\ Add the current url to the antenna database. ''s''\\ Query to the search engine a word. To change the server, give any prefix argument to the command. ''S''\\ Query to the search engine a word in a new session.To change the server, give any prefix argument to the command. ''W''\\ Display a weather report. To change the local area, give any prefix argument to the command. ''D''\\ Display a directory tree. If the prefix arg is given, display files in addition to directories. ''M-x w3m-namazu''\\ Search files with Namazu. To change the index, give any prefix argument to the command. ''|''\\ Pipe a page source to a shell command. ''v''\\ Display the bookmark. ''V''\\ Display the bookmark on a new session. ''a''\\ Add a url of the current page to the bookmark. If the prefix arg is given, the user will be prompted for the url. ''C-t a''\\ Add urls of all pages being visited to the bookmark. ''M-a''\\ Add the url under point to the bookmark. ''C-t t''\\ Create an empty page as a new session and visit it. ''C-c C-t''\\ Create a copy of the current page as a new session. ''C-c C-n''\\ Turn the page of emacs-w3m buffers ahead. ''C-c C-p''\\ Turn the page of emacs-w3m buffers behind. ''C-c RET''\\ Move to the next unseen buffer. ''C-c C-s''\\ Pop to the emacs-w3m buffers selection window up. ''C-c C-a''\\ Select one of emacs-w3m buffers at the current window. ''C-c C-w''\\ Delete the current emacs-w3m buffer. ''C-c M-w''\\ Delete emacs-w3m buffers except for the current buffer. ''M-x w3m''\\ Start browsing web with emacs-w3m. ''q''\\ Close all emacs-w3m windows, without deleteing buffers. ''Q''\\ Exit browsing web. All emacs-w3m buffers will be deleted. ''C-c C-k''\\ Try to stop internal processes of a page. ''?''\\ describe-mode. ''''\\ Pop up a w3m-mode specific menu of mouse commands. ''C-c C-b''\\ Send a bug report to the emacs-w3m team.